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Why is Humanitarian Important?

Philip Hayden Foundation helps meet children’s short-term needs for survival. We provide essentials like nutritious food, safe shelter, access to medical care, and diapers and infant formula.

If children are hungry or unsafe, they can’t build relationships, respond well to therapy, or retain what they learn in school. PHF partners with local charities and humanitarian organizations to ensure the children’s basic needs are met.

China recently reported nearly 190,000 orphans and over 250,000 unsupported children whose parents are unable to care for them. PHF supports local child care centers that provide live-saving food and medical care to these kids. 

In Yucatán, Mexico, many kids live in poverty at the edges of cities. PHF provides food and medical services to these families. We are exploring more opportunities to work with local registered charities to meet the basic needs of families in Yucatán.

Humanitarian aid helps save kids’ lives in the here and now, no matter where they live or what they face.

“Providing for basic needs like food, shelter, and safety alleviates suffering, preserves dignity, and fosters independence.”

In China, PHF provides formula, diapers, and surgeries for orphans and unsupported children through local charities. In Mexico, we provide food and medicine to at-risk children and their families. We need your help to continue bringing life-saving humanitarian aid to vulnerable children. Please donate now or visit our Get Involved page to see the many ways you can be a part of changing a child’s life.

Children In Need

Meet Eggs for Sofia


In July, the first egg delivery of the “Yolk for All” program was made. A local charity delivered 4 liters of milk, two dozen eggs, and an extra special treat of a package of cookies to children from Roble Unión. The delivery was a success, benefiting more than 300 families to improve the nutrition of […]

Meet Olivia


Olivia was born with a disability and lives in an orphanage in rural Asia. With the disruption due to Covid, diapers and formula are more expensive than ever. The costs are rising, but the reimbursement rate for each child is not. You can help provide formula and diapers for Olivia and others like her.

Meet Rolsy


Rolsy is an elementary-aged girl in Merída who was born with spina bifida. Her local community raised funds for her surgical repair, wheelchair, and splints. Instead of being bedbound, Rolsy is learning to walk! You can see from her big smile that she is thriving, thanks to her community’s outpouring of love and support. But […]

Explore Our Programs


Philip Hayden Foundation provides nutritious food, safe shelter, and medical services to vulnerable children. Children’s short-term basic needs must be met before they can benefit from other assistance like therapy, education, and vocational training.


Meaningful work allows people with disabilities to gain independence, contribute to society, and be viewed with dignity. Philip Hayden Foundation provides vocational and life skills training that enables at-risk young people to become productive, self-supporting adults.


PHF helps at-risk children and children with disabilities receive specialized education that allows them to thrive. Depending on the need, our support may include funding a teacher in a Montessori classroom, paying school tuition, providing supplies, hiring a tutor, and more.


Medical care saves and transforms children’s lives. PHF provides surgeries, treatment, and medicine to vulnerable children, and we help families travel to medical appointments. We also provide therapies to children with disabilities and support training for therapists.

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